Deborah Skell, gcfp
So much more than an entrepreneur, Deborah began her career in telecommunications marketing in New York City, then gave up the city for life on a barrier island in South Carolina where she sold real estate and later directed corporate sales and marketing in the travel industry. Finally, the siren song of New York pulled her back and she spent ten years designing in the fashion industry.
Exactly how Deborah arrived in the healing arts is less than obvious. The simple answer is that after a third surgery on the same hip and despite rigorous rehabilitation programs, she could not walk without using a cane. Three Feldenkrais® lessons later, over a ten day period, she put down the cane and her life was never the same.
In 2006, she packed up and moved West to live nearer her aging father and family while she completed her Feldenkrais training. She’s been teaching people to be more comfortable ever since. Deborah lives with her cat, a Royal Bengal named TsenTsai, in the hills of Eugene.
She was celebrating a few days ago because she was able to run up a set of stairs 2 steps at a time, with ease! It wasn’t too long ago that she wasn’t able to do anything like this. In fact, she was recovering from multiple surgeries which left her hobbling, walking with a cane. She had lost hope that she was going to recover her mobility. Since then she has experienced an amazing recovery including rediscovery of strength and agility. She could never believe that this would’ve happened, but it did. Deborah knows she owe this transformation to what she learned from the Feldenkrais method. She believes so much in it that she became a practitioner. Now she helps people in similar situations to achieve the same type of remarkable transformation that she experienced. She’s looking for people like her who are recovering from surgery or injury, and struggle with finding their strength, agility and mobility.
Deborah’s desire is to help you experience Joy in Motion.