The Feldenkrais Method


What is The Feldenkrais Method?

The Feldenkrais Method was created by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984); nuclear physicist, engineer, one of the first in the west to earn a double black belt in Judo, and a yogi. Feldenkrais classes are movement education classes taught in a group, or, in a private session. The aim is to increase the student’s awareness of themselves and their movement. Through this process it is possible to attain a larger movement repertoire and a more flexible body. An increased awareness of self as an independent entity that interacts with the outside world results in more efficient use of the body and improved wellbeing.

If you find yourself challenged to obtain lasting relief from pain and limitation of movement, you are in the right place. The work of the Feldenkrais Method is gentle, respectful, and non-corrective. That annoying neck, shoulder, or low back pain that has become all too familiar. It doesn’t limit itself to a convenient schedule, flaring up at unpredictable times, and never a welcome addition to the agenda. 


The Goal

Our goal is to teach you how to take care of yourself since you are the one managing your life. It make sense that you have strategies to address your own discomfort when and where they occur, Whether in the wee hours of the morning in your home, or, while traveling in a country where you don’t speak the language. 

Our work together results in a remarkable self care skill-set. I will teach you how to do for yourself what I do for you. Over a period of time, a few weeks to months, you will learn movements sequences, questions to ask yourself that increase your awareness of what you can do, or stop doing, to help yourself feel better. You will then apply self-adjustments to improve your comfort immediately. Finally, you will master techniques to address the problem for the long term. Your time on the Feldenkrais table or class directly results in greater comfort which becomes your new normal.  

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Rediscover Comfort and ease

 If you would welcome a supportive way to rediscover comfort and ease in your movement, the Feldenkrais Method should be part of your plan. With surprisingly little effort, or, time especially, when compared to how long you’ve suffered, you’ll re-discover lost abilities that result in increased pleasure and enjoyment in daily life. What kind of pleasures? All daily movements: reaching, turning, sitting, standing, walking become easier. Resulting in renewed spontaneity which is simply fun.  Fun to engage with others, The joy of be authentically yourself.